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All items tagged with: 'centos'

RSS feed for this tag.

24-02-2016267Let's Encrypt with DirectAdmin, now built in!
11-01-2016265Deborphan cleanup until no more orphaned packages left
14-07-2015252Find all services using libssl to restart after an OpenSSL update
25-03-2015244systemd: Don't fear change
08-02-2015231Installing Virtual Machines with virt-install, plus copy pastable distro install one-liners
11-1-2015225Let's Encrypt with DirectAdmin or other Web Control Panels
30-12-2014219IPSEC VPN on Centos 7 with StrongSwan
01-12-2014211IPSEC L2TP VPN on CentOS 6 / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 / Scientific Linux 6
14-10-2014197Check and Fix SSL servers for SSLv3 connections or the Poodle CVE-2014-3566 bug
12-10-2014196Configserver Firewall and Security (CSF and LFD)
24-09-2014195Patch Shellshock)with Ansible
06-07-2014184CentOS 5 CA Certificate Bundle Update
25-05-2014178Openstack Swift Objectstore Access via FTP
19-05-2014177Encrypted Duplicity Backups to Openstack Swift Objectstore
18-01-2014156Remove unused CentOS/Red Hat kernels
09-03-201378Screenfetch installation tutorial
10-02-201373Systemd rosetta / cheatsheet
23-01-201367Fix CentOS IPTables rule saving (iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables: /etc/init.d/iptables: line 274: restorecon: command not found)