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All items tagged with: 'apt'

RSS feed for this tag.

25-03-2025 21:33527Fast MQTT logger (to syslog)
17-03-2025 20:33526After 47 years, OpenVMS gets a package manager (VSP)!
11-01-2023 05:31487APT keeps complaining that the HTTPS certificate cannot be validated?
04-07-2020408Installing PyGopherd on Ubuntu 20.04
27-05-2020406Github Actions, C++ with Boost and cmake, almost a 50% speedup with caching
19-04-2018325Ansible - add apt_key inline
15-05-2016272Ansible - Add an apt-repository on Debian and Ubuntu
09-11-2014201Ansible - Only do action if on specific distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS or RHEL) or distribution version (ubuntu precise, ubuntu trusty)
22-12-2013150Ansible - Only do something if another action changed
21-12-2013149Ansible - Sudo sometimes
30-03-201384Silent unatended apt-get upgrade
10-06-201234Ubuntu/Debian update mailer
28-03-201230Set up a local Ubuntu (apt) repository with apt-mirror